Saturday, August 20, 2005

Azel (Magna Carta: Crimson Stigmata/Tears of Blood) @ Otakon 2005

photo credit:  unknown

Again, a lot of details are missing but I did learn a LOT from making Azel!

The top was remade at least 3 times before I liked the shape of it and I was sharpie-ing the design on it while waiting in line for the badge so it's another last minute costume.

The orange parts are quilted with just a little bit of paint to help show off the seamlines.

I actually really loved the fabric for the pants and armwarmers! Unfortunately, I resorted to using some sort of  puff paint because it was the only one that was opaque and had stretching abilities. I shouldn't have worried about the stretching.

I learned about props! I experimented with paper clay and dowels (neckpiece) and balsa wood (sword).

Overall, Azel was a lot of fun to wear! Bonus pic! Remember when it was all the rage to photoshop your cosplay with the source? Haha...

The OUIWoGMCCG started to fizzle out a little. Only Soni joined me in MC cosplay this year. She was a very pretty Rith. ♥

Friday, August 19, 2005

Albireo - Single Cover vers. (T.M. Revolution) @ Otakon 2005

photo credit: Neoqueenhoneybee

Totally unfinished!

But this is one that will be someday.

Albireo is my favorite TMR song. It doesn't help that the cover of the single is very very sparkley!
I started off with swarovski crystals but as it got expensive started filling in the bodice portion with cheaper shinies.

I'll return to this someday! *shakes fist in determination*

...and of all the cosplay without wigs I've done, this was the one that convinced me to go wigging. All those crystals are pretty time-consuming!