Saturday, July 31, 2004

Ruchielu Chelsea Descralda (Magna Carta: Phantom of Avalanche) @ Otakon 2004

photo credit: unknown

My first try at bloomers! FAIL.

Also quite incomplete but the major pieces are there.

The sweater was a lucky find in a thrift store that got amateurishly altered to get the vertical pintucks. The lanterns were two plastic cups glued together and painted. The tails had posterboard inside them. (Hey! I didn't really understand interfacing at the time...) And the staff was just a flagpole with sharpie marks and a pipecleaner, hot glue, and ring necklace mess.

I also tried to use my own hair again. Ha.

This was not a happy costume for me. The sweater was old and itchy and combined with Baltimore humidity, I was just not in a good mood most of the time.

This Otakon, the OUIWoGMCCG returned! Neoqueenhoneybee as Adora and Don Raphael as Calintz, both from Phantom of Avalanche.